Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Season's greetings!

Link: http://www.zarinmedia.com/xmas/2006

Description: Season's greetings and best wishes from Zarinmedia.com to you.

Note that a list of older Zarinmedia Flash xmas cards can be viewed at: http://www.zarinmedia.com/xmas/

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

zarinmedia photo blog

My Thoughts:

Looks like its been a few months since my last blog entry. As I have found out, its very tough to run a newmedia company, and actively contribute to two blogs!

Two blogs you ask? Yes, since April 2004 I have been keeping to what amounts to a photo-blog at my flickr account. Starting with occasional posts, and now updated a few times weekly.

Think of this post as an off topic promotion for my personal photo-creative side which has been steadily picking up steam over the past 2 years!


Here are a few links that map my progress in the digital photography universe:

Most recent posts to my photoblog can be viewed at:

The archive photos can be viewed at:

My last photo gallery exhibition at Praxis gallery:


I am thinking of migrating this blog into a multi-category blog, to feature posts in both photography and richmedia production, however at the moment, I am stretched thin with my resources, and will continue posting to the two blogs as separate entities.