Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Flash BOSS

Link: http://www.boss.com/

Description: A good example of a sleek, flash based fashion product site

My Thoughts: This very sleek flash based product site for high polished brand Hugo Boss uses elegantly minimal graphic design sensibilities coupled with richmedia exploration features making this a great exercise of branding communication.

Thanks to Dragan Djordjevic of multiidea.com for sending me the this link.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Nike speed genealogy

Link: http://www.nike.com/speed/genealogy/

Description: Visually go through the Nike family tree. Innovative data presentation within the retail/product based context.

My Thoughts: Nike (their agency) has always been particularly good at using Flash based richmedia for their marketing benefit. Just have a look for yourself!

Monday, March 07, 2005

product driven online flash game portal

Link: http://www.postopia.com/

Description: A branded games portal for Post cereals

My Thoughts: Here is an example of what an online games portal can do for a company that primarily markets to youth. Coupled with licensed well known cartoon characters, I admire the surefooted marketing direction they've obviously committed to in relation to game based branding. (read: nice budget..)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Viral: Flash error page

Link: http://www.lookitsme.co.uk/asdfadsf

Description: Here's an interesting twist on the standard text based 404 error that the server provides when it cant find the page. The animated character goes through an elaborate sequence to tell you to go away!

My Thoughts: How's this for unorthodox use of richmedia? I bet there was some form viral marketing thought behind this. If so, its cool to see a strongly viral piece that doesn't need a 'send to friend' button to justify the fact that its viral!

As you can see from: http://www.moock.org/asdfa flash error messages are not new, however I think the example at LookItsMe.co.uk is a particularly well executed one.