Description: A multitalented associate of mine (Steve Toth) recently brought the following links to my attention. Thanks Steve.
Link 1:
Steve's Thoughts: "he's made some really great stuff including something he calls 'flash earth', which from what I gather is google earth in flash"
Link 2:
Steve's Thoughts: "also, the company he works for does some really great stuff... I spent a couple hours checking everything out, its pretty amazing..."
Link 3:
Steve's Thoughts: "the guy combined google maps with craigslist... it shows you the location of every listing, its a pretty neat idea."
Link 4:
Steve's Thoughts: "he talks about how when humans have an abundance of choice, it makes them less satisfied with the choices they make. he also talks about 'telecommuting' and how basically when you work freelance every moment is a choice to work... "
link 5:
Steve's Thoughts: "lastly here is some of my music, I pieced together an album (numbered 1-14) this past few weeks. I am actually looking for a singer to play some gigs with, if you know anyone don't hesitate to send them the link."